Which Cold Smoke Generator Is Best? Bradley or ProQ – Let’s Check!
Cold smoking is a fantastic way to preserve food while giving it additional flavour and taste.
You’ve probably enjoyed tonnes of barbecues where cold smoked meats were present. We all love bacon and ham because of its distinct flavour. If you would like to cold smoke your own foods, you need a reliable cold smoke generator. But which cold smoke generator is best? There are two very popular cold smoker generators in Australia and we are heading for a comparison to see which of them fairs better than the other.
Our two models are:
- ProQ Cold Smoke Generator
- Bradley Smoke Generator
Both working generators work well with ceramics, charcoal, and wood pellet grills. Our comparison is based on test and trial. Let’s begin with The ProQ.
- ProQ Cold Smoke Generator
Since its launch in 2010, this impressive smoke generator has wowed BBQ lovers across Australia. The good news is that even today; this generator works well even with the latest smoker models from all major brands
It produces smoke consistently for as long as 10 hours. We recommend using high-quality wood dust to get the best results.
- Burn time is exceptionally long i.e. 10 hours (100g dust). This is what makes this smoker an all-time favourite
- Economical in the long run as well as being affordable
- Works well even with the new models of BBQ smokers
- 12-month warranty
- You have to be careful while selecting the wood dust. If the dust is damp even a little, it could extinguish the generator without even triggering an alarm. It is better to leave the dust overnight in a warming oven even if it apparently looks dry.
- You have to be careful when selecting the wood dust. Only top-quality wood dust generates the desired results with the ProQ smoke generator.
Overall it is a good choice. It is easy-to-use, though it requires practice and testing. It is cost effective as it consumes a minimal amount of dust every hour i.e. 10g per hour.

ProQ Cold Smoke Generator
The patented ProQ® Cold Smoke Generator is a great little gadget that makes cold smoking easy to do and affordable. Released in 2010 it is now used by top chefs, fishermen, hunters and “foodies” around the world to add a wonderful smoky flavour to foods such as fish (Salmon, Haddock, Kippers, etc), bacon, hams, eggs, cheeses, beef, venison, salami, butter, salt and nuts.
- Bradley Smoke Generator c/w Adapter 240 Volt
This is an electric smoke generator and contains a vertical unit to store bisquette in the tube-shaped channel. One of the biggest problems about this smoke generator is the significant amount of heat emanating from the hotplate. This is why Bradley Smoke Generator requires an adapter to control the heat.
- After filling the tube with bisquettes, the smoker generates the smoke for as long as 9 hours.
- The electronic procedure ensures easy smoldering as compared to that of ProQ.
- You have to protect it from water as the system runs via electricity
- It is expensive, more than the ProQ
- It requires an adapter to control heat intensity
- The running cost is also high as it consumes 1 bisquestte every 20 minutes
Bradley Smoke Generator c/w Adapter 240 Volt
The Stainless Steel Smoke Generator with Adaptor is a highly adaptable unit that allows you to retrofit almost any small structure into a smoke house.
The unit consists of two parts. The Smoke Generator is identical to that which is supplied with the Electric Smoker. However, where the lugs would attach to the cabinet, they instead attach to the face plate of the Adaptor, which is also made of stainless steel.
- Verdict
For beginners, ProQ is the right choice. It works with all smokers and its running cost is low. For professionals, the Bradley might prove to be a good option. If you would like to buy either one of these cold smokers, you can do so from our quality store.