How to Clean a BBQ: Step-By-Step Guide

By: The BBQ Store

How to Clean a BBQ: Step-By-Step Guide

One of the best ways to spend quality time outdoors in Sydney with your loved ones is to fire up the BBQ and prepare some delicious meals for everyone to enjoy. But as much as we love to BBQ, cleaning up after can be a bit of a chore. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide on how to clean a barbeque so you can get back to enjoying your time outdoors in no time.


  1. Gather your supplies

Before you get started on your BBQ cleaning, make sure you have everything you need. You'll need a stiff-bristled brush, a scraper, some soapy water and a bucket. You might also want to grab some gloves and a face mask as cleaning a BBQ can be a bit of a dirty job.


  1. Remove the grates

Start by removing the grates from your BBQ. This will give you better access to the burners and other parts that require cleaning. Use a wire brush to scrape off any large pieces of food or debris that are stuck to the grates. If you have a gas BBQ, be sure to turn off the gas before removing the grates.


  1. Clean the burners

Next use a scraper to remove any build-up from the burners. If you have a gas BBQ, be sure to check for any blockages in the burners and clear them out if necessary. This will help ensure your BBQ runs smoothly and efficiently.


  1. Wipe down the interior

Using a wire brush, scrape any food debris and grease from the interior of the BBQ. You can use a bucket of warm soapy water to wipe down the interior paying special attention to the bottom and sides. Be sure to remove any ash or soot that has accumulated in the bottom of the BBQ.


  1. Clean the exterior

Wipe down the exterior of the BBQ with a rag or paper towel paying special attention to the handles and knobs. Use warm soapy water if necessary. You can also use a degreaser for tougher stains.


  1. Reassemble and test

Once everything is clean and dry, reassemble the BBQ by replacing the burners and grates. Turn the gas back on and light the BBQ to ensure it’s working properly.


Whether you're a seasoned BBQ pro or a newbie to the grill, following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide will help ensure that your BBQ is always in tip-top shape and ready for your next backyard shindig. And if you're ever in need of new BBQ accessories or replacement parts, be sure to check out The BBQ Store - we've got you covered, mate!


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